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Be At One Dog Training

-Where you and your dog learn to become one -

Beta Package

Are you concerned about

  • Impulse control

  • Recall

  • Aggressive displays

  • Disobedience 

  • Separation anxiety 

  • Sound sensitivity

  • Over excitement with guests

  • Attention seeking

Alpha Package

Are you concerned about 

  • Anxiety / Nervousness

  • Aggression / Bit history

  • Disobedience

  • Excessive Barking

  • Resource Guarding

  • Scavenging

  • High Prey Drive / history of killing wildlife

  • Recall

  • Chasing fast moving people/things​

Behavioural Consultations & Written Program

Who ever said you can't teach an old dog new tricks was a hater. It is never too late to learn. I have had 3 rescue does in my adult life so far, and one 12 week puppy. All trained to the same standard. The oldest dog I have ever adopted was 10 years old. My current dog was previously a rescue dog, who came into my life at 2 years old. She didn't even know her name when I got her, and had a very high prey drive. She now lives peacefully with my cat. 

Owning a dog comes with countless pleasures. Every good owner just wants the best for their furry friends, we just want to maximise their lives and our relationship with them. 

But sometimes, somewhere along the line, some things can just go wrong. This might be a behaviour that slowly developed over time with yourself as the owner, or a behaviour that your adopted dog has come with.

That's where these packages can step in!

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