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Be At One Dog Training

-Where you and your dog learn to become one -

aggressive dog
Behaviour Adjustment Consultation & program
Beta Package

What to do when the least expected happens!

This can be a dog that you have bought from a breeder, or a dog that you have adopted from rescue. Problematic behaviours can occur with any dog at any time. It could that your dog was the victim of a dog attack, and now your dog timid, or is showing aggressive displays towards other dogs. Your dog could have a history of abuse, and now your dog is showing aggressive displays (barking / lunging) towards all or some people, it could be that your dog is fearful of loud noises, or has a strong desire to chase wildlife. The possibilities are endless. Whatever the issue, however you got here, we can change the end result.

Some examples of what kind of behaviour/s may qualify for this package. 

  • Aggressive displays (barking / lunging)

  • Impulse control 

  • Anxiety / Nervousness

  • Disobedience

  • Excessive Barking

  • Resource Guarding

  • Scavenging

  • High Prey Drive / history of killing wildlife

  • Recall

  • Chasing fast moving people/things (prams, skates, cars, bikes, joggers etc.)

​What is included in this package?

  • 1, 1-2-1 appointments day appointments. Usually about 3-4 hours long & a bespoke training program.

  • This program will be sent as PDF and will provide a detailed intervention plan on what we discuss in our appointment and how do tackle all presenting behavioural concerns.

  • How dogs learn.

  • We will do training on the day.

  • Homework & handouts will be given for you to work on, while I complete your bespoke written program.

  • We will discuss a detailed intervention plan on how to tackle all issues discussed. 

  • Contact to be had with every week, to 10 days, to ensure you are progressing. This can be done by sending videos, voice notes, WhatsApp, email, text etc.

  • A bespoke written program will be sent. this is a detailed plan in a PDF format giving instructions how to tackle all issues / concerns discussed.

  • UNLIMITED aftercare. You can continue to have weekly contact with me until you feel you don't need it.

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