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Be At One Dog Training

-Where you and your dog learn to become one -

What is included in this program?

  • 1x 1-2-1 appointments. Usually about 2 hours long, can be up to 4 hours.

  • Relevant and informative handouts will be provided on the day as we discuss your dogs training needs

  • What does socialising mean and how to do it correctly.

  • How to play with your dog and how to use play to its full potential.

  • How to teach your dog anything (sit, lay, stay, leave, drop etc.)

  • Introduction to loose lead walking & recall

  • Not jumping up & no biting / mouthing

  • Crate training.

  • Toilet training.

  • Diet and nutrition. 


You can stay in contact with me via WhatsApp, message or email until you no longer feel you need to!

Beta Pack  1-2-1 Training

Sometimes, you notice problems arising with your dog, but you're fortunate enough to have noticed it before it is in full swing! For example, you may notice your dog is starting to show an interest in chasing wildlife, but isn't yet pulling your arm off to chase the fox, or your dog use to listen to you the first time you asked them to come back when off the lead, and now you are finding yourself repeating yourself. If this is you, you've asked for help at a good time as you can polish up your communication skills with your dog before any issues progresses. 


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