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Be At One Dog Training

-Where you and your dog learn to become one -

What dog might be suitable for this program?


  • Are you struggling with how to teach the basics? (sit, stays, down)

  • Toilet training difficulties

  • Aggressive displays? Is your dog barking at people and dogs?

  • Does your dog have a high prey drive, and are now dragging you off after foxes, cats, squirrels, birds ect.

  • Is your dog becoming noisy and destructive inside their crate.

  • Do you need an introduction to or support with recall?

  • Does your dog have separation anxiety?

  • Excessive barking?

  • Is your dog attention seeking? 

  • Is your dog being destructive in the home (chewing on furniture)

  • Is your dog showing signs of resource guarding? 

  • Are you a first time dog owner or recently got a new dog?

  • Is your dog insistent on jumping up on strangers / children.

  • Is your dog mouthing / play biting. 

What is included in this program?


  • ​2x 1-2-1 appointments. Appointments 1-3 weeks apart.  each appointment is usually about 2-4 hours long

  •  How to teach your dog anything (sit, lay, stay, etc.)

  • How dogs learn

  • Homework will be given for you to work on between the duration of our 2 appointments 

  • Hand outs and instructions will be given towards the end of our sessions.  

  • Contact to be had with me between the 2 appointments to make sure you are progressing. This can be phone, WhatsApp, email, text etc.

  • After the second appointment, more handouts, homework and instructions will be left if needed. 

  • You can continue to have weekly contact with me until you feel you don't need to anymore.

  • You can continue to have weekly contact with me via message / email until you feel you don't need it.

1-2-1 Training

Alpha Pack 

If you're here, you're probably experiencing some kind of behavioural difficulties and wondering where to turn. I'm guessing you're in a place where your dog still has some basics down (sit, stay, go to bed) but is testing you in other areas.  Maybe they are running off with items such as a tea towel and not giving it back, maybe they are lunging in excitement to passing dogs, or counter surfing, nicking the food off the side / table, chewing or jumping on furniture, pulling you on the lead when they catch an interesting site or scent. 

You're in the right place.

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